Wyoming Arts Council

Aliza Sherman conducts "Blogs, Microblogs and Social Networks" workshop March 30 in Lander

Writer and one-time Wyomingite Aliza Sherman returns to the state for a workshop entitled “Blogs, Microblogs, Social Networks, Oh My! Using social media tools to market in a whole new way.” It will be held at the Central Wyoming College Center in Lander on Monday, March 30, 10 a.m.-noon and broadcast to Jackson and Thermopolis sites.

You’ve heard of Web 2.0 and social media, but how can these new Internet tools help you market your business, publicize your events and build your audience? How do blogs compare to microblogs? How can MySpace and Facebook really be used for marketing? And, what in the world is a Wiki or a Widget? Web pioneer, and author of seven books, Aliza Sherman returns to Wyoming to share the latest Internet marketing techniques and tactics to work with any budget. Fast Company recently named Aliza one of the “Most Influential Women in Technology.”

For more info call Margie Rowell, 1-800-969-8639.

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