Uncategorized | November 18, 2009
Grady Kirkpatrick on KUWR’s “New Music Wednesday” featured a song with a familiar-sounding name. It was “Riding the White Horse Home,” written and performed by Salt Lake City musician Kate MacLeod. Wondered if it was based on the fantastic memoir of the same name by Laramie County, Wyoming, native Teresa Jordan (now in SLC). Grady noted on-air that indeed this was the case. But wyomingarts needed more info so looked up Kate MacLeod, which is the kind of stuff the Internet is for. We found this:
The song Riding the White Horse Home is based on the book by the same name. It is a memoir about rural family life in Wyoming, written by artist and author Teresa Jordan.
The song is on MacLeod’s new CD, Blooming. Another amazing fact: the cover art was done by Denver artist William Matthews who also illustrated the first edition of Close Range: Wyoming Stories by Annie Proulx, back when she lived in Wyoming.
What would we do without real books by real writers?