Wyoming Arts Council

Dedication for Stan Dolega’s WIND CODE sculpture set for May 4

stan dolega wind code person stan dolega wind code

Please join the Wyoming Office of Tourism, the Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources and the Wyoming Arts Council at a ceremony to dedicate WIND CODE, a sculpture by Laramie artist Stan Dolega, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 4, Southeast Wyoming Welcome Center, north entrance, exit 4 off I-25.

Stan’s sculpture was funded through the Wyoming Art in Public Buildings.

This ceremony will be part of a 9 a.m.-3 p.m. open house at the Welcome Center celebrating the beginning of National Travel and Tourism Week in Wyoming.

PHOTOS: Laramie artist Stan Dolega poses with a portion of his WIND CODE sculpture (left) and the main part of the sculpture now has trees and grass for company (right).

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