Wyoming Arts Council

The NIC to hold two conservation care workshops May 30 & 31

On May 30 & 31, the NIC will host two conservation care workshops led by conservator Victoria Montana Ryan. One workshop will be geared for the general public, which will look at basic care and cleaning for family heirlooms and art. The other workshop will be for museum professionals and will examine risk factors to museum collections.

Preserving Your Treasures
Wednesday, May 30, 6:00pm
Open to the Public
Members: FREE
Non-members: $5 per person.

Own a Picasso? How about family photos? Whether you’re a collector of fine art or have precious family heirlooms, you want to be able to provide appropriate care for your treasures. This presentation will introduce you to basic care steps, based on conservation principles, which you can take to prolong the life of your collection. There will be time for questions after the presentation.

Collections Care Workshop
Thursday, May 31, 9:00am- 3:00pm
FREE to Museum Professionals

This Collections Care Workshop will review the primary risks to our collections, including the environment, materials, and handling. Environmental parameters, equipment and monitoring, and new topics of interest will be discussed. For handling and materials, the workshop will have a hands-on section along with materials identification and discussion of which materials options may be the “greenest.” Attendees are encouraged to bring questions regarding their collections, environments or materials, as there will be time after the presentation for discussions. Please indicate your intention to attend by May 29, 2012 to guarantee copies of the handouts by emailing iburnett@thenic.org

Victoria Montana Ryan is a Fellow Member of the American Institute for Conservation. She is currently the owner of Art Care Services, Colorado Springs.

FMI: Lisa Hatchadoorian, Nicolaysen Art Museum, 400 E. Collins, (307) 235-5247

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