Featured News, Grant News | October 20, 2016
Arts Council staffers Danee Hunzie, Anne Hatch, and Tara Pappas hard at work on the Cultural Trust Fund Grant.
The Wyoming Arts Council enjoys a close relationship with the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund. We’re both granting organizations, we go to the same staff meetings here at State Parks & Cultural Resources, and at the moment, we’re both working to sort through this year’s crop of Cultural Trust Fund Grant applications. These come in twice a year, with the most recent deadline being October 1st. That means Wyomingites will begin to see the funded projects/events/activities beginning January 1, 2017.
If you’re curious why the Arts Council is pitching in with WCTF grants, it helps to look at their mission statement:
The mission of the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund is to serve the citizens of Wyoming by supporting Wyoming’s culture and heritage through grant funding of innovative projects for the enjoyment, appreciation, promotion, preservation, and protection of the state’s arts, cultural and historic resources; and to support and invest in Wyoming institutions that help further this mission.
There’s some clear overlap there with our own mission of sustaining, promoting, and cultivate excellence in the arts. While grants related to archaeology or museum exhibitions go to our colleagues in those departments, most of the applications tend to be art-related. That means it falls to us to serve as panelists, providing recommendations to the WCTF Board.
The board meets Nov 9 and 10, so applicants can expect to hear results around Thanksgiving. If you’d like to know more about the process, you can check out the Cultural Trust Fund website right here.