Wyoming Arts Council

Apply now for 2009 creative writing fellowships

Printable applications for the Wyoming Arts Council’s 2009 creative writing fellowships in fiction are available at the WAC web site. Go to wyoartscouncil.wpengine.com and scroll down to the “News” section. Click on the first link, “Apply now for 2009 creative writing fellowships.” This will take you to a four-page pdf document that includes a bio of the judge, Laura Pritchett, guidelines, and the application itself. Print it out, fill it out, and mail the completed application with your manuscript to the WAC. Postmark deadline is June 20, 2008.

The judge will select up to three winners who will each receive a $3,000 prize. They also will receive a stipend of $500 to travel to the Equality State Book Festival Sept. 18 for the annual WAC fellowship reading.

Laura Pritchett, of Fort Collins, Colo., is the author of the novel Sky Bridge (2007) and the 2001 collection of short stories, Hell’s Bottom, Colorado, both from Milkweed Editions. She is also the editor of two collections: The Pulse of the River: Colorado Writers Speak for the Endangered Cache la Poudre and Home Land: Ranching and a West that Works. Her third collection, The Gleaners: Eco-Essays on Recycling, Re-Use, and Living Lightly on the Land, is due out in spring 2009. Her work has also appeared in numerous magazines, including The Sun, Orion, High Country News, Colorado Review, 5280, and the book Comeback Wolves: Western Writers Welcome the Wolf Home and Social Issues Firsthand: The Environment.

For more about Laura Pritchett, go to www.laurapritchett.com.

For more information about the fellowships, contact Michael Shay, 307-777-5234 or mshay@state.wy.us.

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