Uncategorized | March 31, 2010
From a press release:
Former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, in cooperation with the Boston University School of Education, is accepting applications from teachers and teacher/administrator teams across grade levels for the ninth annual FPP Summer Poetry Institute for Teachers, an invigorating week of poetry in Boston, July 12-16, 2010.
Participants will read and discuss poems with renowned practitioners of the art, five award-winning American poets. Past faculty include Frank Bidart, Mark Doty, Louise Gluck, Major Jackson and Heather McHugh. Robert Pinsky leads the institute. Teachers will work in groups to develop lesson plans to share with each other and bring back to their classrooms.
Visit the Favorite Poem Project Web site (link below) to learn more, or to download an application.
FMI: http://www.favoritepoem.org/forTeachers.html