Uncategorized | November 14, 2007
Wyoming Writers 2008 Writing Contest is open to all Wyoming residents and non-residents. All works must be original and in English. Previously published material or work accepted or under consideration for publication elsewhere, or entered in another contest simultaneously, is NOT eligible. Work that has previously placed or received honorable mention in a Wyoming Writers, Inc. contest is NOT eligible.
Entry Fee: Prose: $10 per entry for members of Wyoming Writers, Inc.; $15 per entry for non-members. Poetry: $5 per entry for members of Wyoming Writers, Inc. and $10 per entry for non-members.
Length: Not more than 3,500 words per prose entry; not more than 40 lines per poem.
Categories: Adult Fiction, Adult Non-fiction, Fiction for Children, Free Verse, and Traditional Poetry.
Prizes: Cash prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will be awarded in each judged category.
FMI: http://www.wyowriters.org/Contest2008.html