Wyoming Arts Council

Arts education in Mountain West one of hot topics at May 13 conference in Salt Lake City

One of the intriguing sessions at the “Mountain West Arts Conference: Risk and Reward” on May 13 in Salt Lake City is one on arts education:

The Status of Arts Education in Utah and the Mountain West, with Tim Bothel, Ph.D. of Bothell Assessment and Research

The Utah Arts Council, in partnership with the Utah State Office of Education, Montana Arts Council, Idaho Commission on the Arts and the Wyoming Arts Council with their sister education agencies conducted a survey about the status of arts education, K-12 in all four states. Tim Bothell will share with the audience the key findings of that survey, where Utah stands, how we compare to the other states, what educators want and how they perceive the role and importance of arts education. We all acknowledge the future of arts organizations and how we prepare kids to navigate a complex and global society is highly impacted by the quality of arts education children and youth receive. Join us as we explore where we are and where we want to go.

To register for the conference, go to http://artsandmuseums.utah.gov/resources/professional_development/conferences/index.html

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