Wyoming Arts Council

Atlantic City set to make its debut as the smallest town in the U.S. with its own book festival

atlantic city book fest

We don’t get many news releases from Atlantic City, pop. 37. The Miner’s Delight Inn B&B in AC is owned by two entrepreneurs who happen to be fine writers. They host an occasional art event, usually planned in tandem with a scotch-tasting, as the B&B has the best scotch selection this side of San Francisco, pop. 812,826. AC may earn additional bragging rights when it hosts its first book festival. Barbara Townsend (Blood Atonement) and Marjane Ambler (Yellowstone Has Teeth), both members of Wyoming Writers, Inc., will join other authors and their books at the Miner’s Delight on Saturday, Aug. 24, 1-5 p.m.

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