Uncategorized | May 2, 2007
The life of the late Caroline Lockhart — Cody novelist, journalist, publisher, and rancher – is explored in a new biography by Montana’s John Clayton.
“The Cowboy Girl: The Life of Caroline Lockhart,” is published by the University of Nebraska Press in Lincoln.
Lockhart was a stunt-girl reporter for the Boston Post and Philadelphia Bulletin; traveled to New Mexico, Montana, Europe, Newfoundland, and Spanish Honduras; moved to the newly-founded town of Cody, Wyo., in 1904, where she knew Buffalo Bill; wrote seven bestselling novels, including three that were made into films; and spent five years as editor/publisher of the Cody Enterprise.
John Clayton will talk about his book at a meeting of the Park County Historical Society in Cody on Wednesday, May 16, 11:30 a.m. At 4 p.m. that day, he will sign copies of his book at The Thistle Bookstore, 1243 Rumsey Ave., in Cody. FMI: 307-587-6635.
The author also plans events in Laramie, Cheyenne, and other Wyoming communities. You can find out more at his web site.