Featured News | May 13, 2014
A call for entries for artwork for the new Yellowstone Building located at Northwest College in Powell has been issued by the Wyoming Arts Council.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is August 1.
The primary purpose of the building is to build relationships between the college and the community, and as such includes an auditorium, and other public spaces. This new building provides state of the art facilities for criminal justice, nursing, social sciences and communications.
The selection committee for this Art in Public Building Project has identified two possible locations for artwork:
Proposed concepts should not be structural in nature or impact the architectural integrity of the facility.
Applicants may visit the Arts in Public Buildings site for additional project information and specifications including plans, dimensions and other information.
Applicants must be residents of the United States, a minimum of 18 years of age and be able to demonstrate previous experience and expertise through a supporting portfolio submission. Applicants must be willing to travel to Powell for presentations if selected as a finalist for this APB project.
Apply via the Western States Arts Federation’s Call for Entry (CaFÉ) site at http://www.callforentry.org
Questions may be sent to Camellia El-Antably at camellia.el-antably@wyo.gov.