Wyoming Arts Council

Call for entries: Wyoming Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition

young artist comp

This invitation comes from Rachel Bailey, executive director at the Wyoming Symphony:

The Wyoming Symphony Orchestra is holding a statewide Young Artist Competition in January 2015. We are very excited to be able to reinstate this opportunity for Wyoming’s young musicians. Please help us get the word out to music educators and students, so that everyone who wants to can compete. We hope to offer this opportunity every two years, giving youth the opportunity to strive towards musical excellence and a chance to be featured on stage with the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra.

Designed to recognize and encourage the musical artistry of young Wyomingites, the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra’s Young Artist Competition is open to Wyoming musicians between the ages of 13 and 25 who play any of the standard orchestral instruments and meet the following criteria:

• Born in the state of Wyoming; OR
• Enrolled in a Wyoming high school or accredited homeschooling program or college/university as of 1 February 2015

Deadline to enter is November 3, 2014.

WSO Music Director Matthew Savery will supervise the pre-screening of the application materials. Those applicants selected to participate in the Young Artist Competition will perform before three judges on Sunday, January 25, 2015.

There will be one winner from each of two divisions:

High School Division (grades 9-12): $1000 prize
College Division (enrolled college student through age 25): $1000 prize

Winners will be invited to perform their winning concerto with the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra on May 9, 2015.

More information and to download the application: http://www.wyomingsymphony.org

FMI: rachel@wyomingsymphony.org

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