Wyoming Arts Council

Call for entries: fast & furious 20:20 programs

We invite you to participate in…


20:20 is a new program in conjunction with the WAC and UWAM symposium, “Public Art and Community, Inspiration and Reflection.” Scheduled for Thursday, April 2, 10 p.m.-midnight, it follows the opening reception and Art Slam with artists Jesús Morales, Ursula von Rydingsvard and John Henry.

20:20 is a fast-paced presentation format whereby presenters are allotted 20 images (either in slide format or a PowerPoint), which are shown for 20 seconds each. The total presentation time is therefore only 6 minutes and 40 seconds. 20:20 is open to any registered conference attendee and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Advance sign-up is required. Presentations by individual artists, community organizations, art groups and educators are welcome. 20:20 is an opportunity to share new work and new ideas from across the state and the region.

The format of 20:20 is borrowed from a program first developed in Japan by two architects who were looking for a new way to present design ideas in an upbeat and exciting way. And to prevent presenters from droning on and on.

Events like 20:20 now occur internationally as specially organized evening events where the focus is on sharing information and community participation.

For more information on 20:20, or to sign up, please contact Rachel Miller at 307.766.6621 or rmiller@uwyo.edu.

For more information on the Symposium, review previous blog entries or go to the UW Art Museum web site.

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