Uncategorized | May 21, 2009
Each year, the University of Georgia Press selects the winners of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction. Authors of winning manuscripts receive a cash award of $1,000, and their collections are subsequently published by the press under a standard book contract. The press may occasionally select more than two winners.
Selection process: in addition to series editor Nancy Zafris there are three external judges. The manuscripts undergo blind review, meaning that the name of the author is stripped from the manuscript before judging begins. Each judge reads a third of the contest entries and makes a selection of 7-10 finalist manuscripts, which are then forwarded on to Nancy Zafris, who selects the two winning manuscripts from the group of 20-30 finalists.
Deadline: May 31
FMI: http://www.ugapress.org/info_aup_submitfoc.html