Uncategorized | April 22, 2011
A call for entries for a sculpture for the Northeast Wyoming Visitor Welcome Center in Beulah has been issued by the Wyoming Arts Council. The deadline for submissions is May 13.
The Art in Public Building’s Committee for the project is requesting an existing sculpture by a Wyoming artist. An exterior island between the parking lot and main facility is the preferred site for the sculpture.
The Visitor Welcome Center, which opened in July 2010, is a state-of-the-art green facility blending both traditional western and contemporary eco-friendly design elements. The facility is integrated into a promontory site offering sweeping vistas of the surrounding landscape.
During the groundbreaking ceremony for the Visitor Welcome Center, a number of fresh mountain lion prints were observed around the site, and an adult mountain lion was observed in the vicinity. A full-size sculpture of a mountain lion, as well as indigenous wildlife such as elk, deer antelope, bear; or bucking horse and rider, the Sundance Kid or western outlaw, are subjects the committee finds appealing.
Information about the project is available through the WAC website at https://wyoarts.state.wy.us.
The WAC is responsible for the implementation of the 1% Art in Public Buildings legislation.
For more information, contact David L. Newell, curator of Art, Wyoming State Museum, 307-777-7677.