Wyoming Arts Council

Call for entries: Openfilm's "Get It Made" competition

Openfilm is looking for short film submissions for the 2nd Get It Made competition. Submit your short film – with a running time of 40 minutes or less – for the chance to win the opportunity to produce it into a compelling feature film with Openfilm Studios. Openfilm will accept submissions throughout the year for the biannual competition (Deadline: December 31, 2010). There is a non-refundable $45 submission fee. Openfilm reserves the right to use still images and show short clips of any submitted films to promote the competition. Grand prize package is $50,000 cash and a $450,000 financing contract. To equalize the process, submitted entries are viewable from the time that they are entered into the competition, but all films will be voted on during the same time period. The top 10 films, as chosen by the Openfilm community’s votes and the Advisory Board, will move to the next round.

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