Uncategorized | May 24, 2012
The University Art Galleries (UAG) at the University of South Dakota invites all professional artists and students enrolled in graduate programs to submit entries to “Politicizing Aesthetics,” a national juried exhibition. Contemporary, original artworks in new media, installation, film, print, sculpture, ceramics, painting, handmade artist books, photography, and fiber are welcome. We are looking for works that address current political and social issues, such as debt, war, human rights, and land rights; works that explore the body politic; works that examine the relationship between politics and aesthetic form; and works that explore the relationship between political choices and aesthetic taste. The selected works will be on display October 1- November 2, 2012 at the John A. Day Gallery. www.usd.edu/uag
Artists should submit a CD, readable on a PC and Mac, containing JPEG images for up to 3 works with one image per piece. The image should be no greater than 3 MB with the longest dimension at 1000 pixels and a resolution of 200 pixels per inch. The CD should also contain an artist statement and resume, saved as PDFs. Entry fee is $30; checks payable to the ‘University of South Dakota.’ Entries must be postmarked by Friday, July 6 2012. Notifications will be sent by email on August 6, 2012. Politicizing Aesthetics opens October 1, 2012. Submissions will only be returned with a SASE. Cash awards total up to $750. Only complete submissions will be considered. For more information email: Alison.Erazmus@usd.edu
Send submissions to:
Attention: Politicizing Aesthetics
University Art Galleries
University of South Dakota
414 East Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069