Wyoming Arts Council

Call for entries: Wyoming Short Film Contest

From a Film Wyoming press release:

The 2010 Wyoming Short Film Contest is open for entries. Film makers can submit their videos online at www.wyomingshortfilmcontest.com. A $25,000 first prize will be awarded to the winning entry with a storyline that takes place in Wyoming, features Wyoming, or presents the state as a major character.

All submissions are due on or before April 30, 2010 and there is no entry fee for the Wyoming Short Film Contest. Entries may be any style or genre of film and shall not exceed 15 minutes running time. The winner shall receive $25,000 towards the production budget of their next project shot in Wyoming.

Wyoming Film office staff has made the process easier this year by using popular video contest software. The new program allows the general public to vote on their favorite entry. A judging panel will then decide the winner based on the top ten most popular entries. Some criteria that the judges will keep in mind when viewing the films include production value, script, acting when relevant and Wyoming tourism value.

FMI: http://filmwyoming.blogspot.com

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