Wyoming Arts Council

Call for entries: Wyoming Writers, Inc., writing contest

Wyoming Writers, Inc., announces contest guidelines:
Hard copy entries much be postmarked by April 9, 2011.
Entry fee:  $10.00 for each entry from members of Wyoming Writers, Inc., $15.00 for non-members,
Member fee for poetry is $10.00 for 3 poems, non-members $15.00 for 3 poems. We encourage non-members to join the organization. Information and membership form are available on www.wyowriters.org. Contest entry forms are also available on the web site, and from flyers in libraries and bookstores, and in the WyoWriters newsletter.  You may photocopy an entry form.
No limit on the number of entries, but there is an entry fee for each manuscript and every 3 poems. Include one check for the total amount. No entry fees will be refunded. 
Eligibility: The contest is open to all writers. All works must be the unpublished and the original work of the   submitter. All works must be in English. Work accepted or under consideration for publication elsewhere, or entered in another contest simultaneously is not eligible. Work that has previously placed or received an honorable mention in a Wyoming Writers, Inc. contest is not eligible. Work may be submitted to other contests or for publication after the contest deadline.
Adult Fiction: (No horror or erotica) 3000 words maximum
Fiction for Children/Juveniles:  3000 words maximum
Non-fiction:  Personal experiences and Memoirs3000 words maximum
Non-fiction:  Articles and Essays., 3000 words maximum
Traditional Poetry:  28 lines maximum; up to 3 poems per submission.
Free Verse Poetry:  28 lines maximum;  up to 3 poems per submission
Prizes:   First place: $50, Second place: $30,  Third place $20. Each will get a certificate. There will be no Honorable Mentions.  Winners will be notified the latter part of May. Winners will be announced at the WWInc 2011 Conference to be held at the Ramada Plaza Riverside,CasperWY June 3-5, 2011.

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