Call for proposals: ArtPlace America
Uncategorized | October 24, 2011
In an unprecedented private-public collaboration, 11 of America‘s top foundations have joined with the National Endowment for the Arts and seven federal agencies to establish ArtPlace, a nationwide initiative to accelerate creative placemaking across the U.S.
ArtPlace believes that art, culture and creativity expressed powerfully through place can create vibrant communities, thus increasing the desire and the economic opportunity for people to thrive in place. It is all about the local.
ArtPlace invites Letters of Inquiry from initiatives involving arts organizations, artists and designers working in partnership with local and national partners (in fields such as economic development, transportation, neighborhood development, entrepreneurship, sustainability, health, etc.) to produce a transformative impact on community vibrancy.
If you or one of your partners wishes to apply, please review the guidelines and complete the Letter of Inquiry, both available here: To be considered for our next round of grants, all requests must be submitted by November 15, 2011.
We look forward to receiving your submissions for innovative and distinctive projects.
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