Wyoming Arts Council

Calling all plein air artists

The Link Gallery, 1609 Capitol Ave., is host for the annual plein air festival in Cheyenne.

Events begin on July 31 and continue through August 15.

Contact: 307-778-0330 or thelinkgallery@gmail.com

Description: Artists from across the USA come to paint pictures of Cheyenne and Wyoming, culminating in a Gala Opening on 15th August 2009. Also a Quick Draw and Auction of the Quick Draw Paintings on the final Saturday. Entrants, judges and sponsors will be advised as we have more details.This event is co-hosted by the Link Gallery (organizer and sponsor) and DeSelms Fine Art, who is already also one of our sponsors. For applications and information please contact the Link Gallery by e-mail thelinkgallery@gmail.com

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