Uncategorized | March 3, 2011
Colorado author Cara Lopez Lee will talk about her book “They Only Eat Their Husbands: A Memoir of Alaskan Love, World Travel, and the Power of Running Away” on Sunday, March 20, 2 p.m., at the Laramie County Public Library in Cheyenne. The event is free and open to the public.
Here’s some info about the the author and the book:
Most new authors have one thing in common: no marketing budget, zero, zip, Zip A
Dee Doo Dah, nada. But Cara Lopez Lee is turning her budget book tour into an opportunity to reinforce her memoir’s themes: running away is underrated, the hardest journeys are the most rewarding, and going it alone leads to new friendships.
From March 20 to April 16, Cara is hitting the road with her new book, They Only Eat Their Husbands: A Memoir of Alaskan Love, World Travel, and the Power of Running Away (Ghost Road Press, November 2010). And I’m hitting it Girls Trek Too style…
Cara will stay in hostels and surf couches, as she drives her rattling ’95 Honda Civic Hatchback throughWyoming ,Montana ,Idaho ,Washington ,Alaska ,Oregon ,California ,Arizona , and. “I had a shoestring budget when I left New Mexico to backpack solo around the world,” she says. “So it makes sense to travel on a shoestring as I share my book about that experience.” Although she’s preparing a loose itinerary, she’s leaving room for spontaneity. She hopes locals will suggest a few unexpected events. “Part of the fun will be in the surprise element, in getting people to ask, ‘Where’s Cara?’ That’s what my book is about: not having answers, but asking questions. Once your basic needs are met, life should be an adventure.” Alaska
If you’re interested in learning to plan your own independent adventures, Cara will offer free Girls Trek Too workshops at several of her stops. If you want to know “Where’s Cara?” during her Book Tour Adventure, please check her Events page. You can also follow the wanderings of @CaraLopezLee on Twitter or on the Facebook Fan Page for They Only Eat Their Husbands.