Wyoming Arts Council

Carolina Chocolate Drops and folk artists featured on National Endowment for the Arts blog

This comes to us from Victoria Hutter at the National Endowment for the Arts, the Wyoming Arts Council’s federal partner:

In case you haven’t had a chance to visit the NEA web site recently, I want to make sure you’re aware of some recent podcasts and artist interviews that celebrate the folk and traditional arts. These items appear on the NEA Art Works blog:

*         Audio interview with the Carolina Chocolate Drops (available as a downloadable podcast)
*         Audio interview with NEA National Heritage Fellow and master basket weaver Mary Jackson (also available as a downloadable podcast)
*         Q & A with another master basket weaver, Jeremy Frey of Maine
*         Q & A with the director of the AnacostiaCommunityMuseum about their exhibition, “Word, Song, Shout”  about the Gullah culture

In addition, an article in the NEA magazine, NEA Arts explores California‘s Tamejavi festival at http://arts.gov/about/NEARTS/

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