Uncategorized | June 8, 2011
Cheyenne newspaper reporter and author Josh Mitchell will be signing copies of his new book, My Life in Executive Session, from 4-6 p.m. on Friday, June 10, at City News, 1722 Carey Ave., in downtown Cheyenne.
A blurb from the book’s promo material:
When investigative journalist Warren Bradley goes to work for a newspaper in Jupiter, Arkansas, he wants to report the truth about the corrupt politicians in the small town. But his boss is part of the local good-ol’-boys system and censors the real news. Bradley uncovers too much and is fired in an attempt to make him leave town. Instead of hitting the road, Bradley starts an online newspaper and is finally able to report the truth. Set in the rural South, the novel has many colorful characters and unforgettable scenes.
Find out more from the publisher at www.westsouthpublishing.com