Uncategorized | April 22, 2009
From Mike Shay, Wyomingarts editor:
In a Jan. 22 post, I mistakenly stated that I wrote the press releases for the award-winning PR campaign by the Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources PIO Office. The PR campaign was for the 2008 Wyoming Poetry Out Loud competition held March 10 and 11, 2008, in Cheyenne. While I provided Poetry Out Loud background information to PIO Office Manager Gary Schoene, he conducted on-site interviews and then wrote the final press releases. This PR effort received awards from the Wyoming Press Association at its winter meeting in January 2009. In an e-mail announcement, SPCR Director Milward Simpson had this to say about the award:
The SPCR PIO was presented with a second place news writing award in the “three releases on a single topic” category for a series of press releases on last year’s Poetry Out Loud competition. In presenting the awards, the judges commented that the Poetry Out Loud competition was “an interesting story which was covered by many local newspapers. This is just what the news release is for in helping local newspapers get the word out about unique events.”
The Wyoming Arts Council held two Poetry Out Loud competitions in 2008. The March event was for the 2008-2009 school year and the November event was for 2009-2010. In my Jan. 22 post, I was referring to the latter.
Wyomingarts regrets the error.