Wyoming Arts Council

Craig Johnson reading

The Writer’s Voice of the Billings YMCA will present Craig Johnson reading from Kindness Goes Unpunished at 7:00 pm, Thursday, April 12, at the Yellowstone Art Museum, 401 North 27th street in downtown Billings. All readings are free to YMCA, Yellowstone Art Museum, and Writer’s Voice members. Admission to the Museum is $7. Books will be available for sale and signing the evening of the reading.

Along with Death Without Company and The Cold Dish, Kindness Goes Unpunished is the third in the mystery series of the fictional Absaroka County, Wyoming Sheriff Walt Longmire. Johnson won the Tony Hillerman Mystery Short Story Contest, and The Cold Dish was a finalist for the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association Award for favorite novel of the year. Death Without Company won the Wyoming Historical Association Award for fiction.

Johnson’s work is known for providing humor a colorful western-style wit into his characters, a trait not always present in the mystery genre.

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