Uncategorized | November 17, 2010
News from mystery writer Craig Johnson of Ucross:
Some exciting news in that Le Camp des Morts (Death Without Company) won the coveted Prix de 813, and it looks like we’re back in France for the month of January. In the meantime —
Hot Springs, SD, Wild Burro Books, Friday, November, 26th at 7PM
Billings, MT, Masonic Hall, Writer’s Roundup, Saturday, December 4th from 1-3PM
Sheridan, WY, Sheridan County Museum, Saturday, December 11th at 2PM
Story, WY, Story Branch Library, Saturday, December 11th at 6:30PM
Sheridan, WY, Sheridan County Library, December 17th from 10-12 Noon
FMI: http://www.craigallenjohnson.com/