Wyoming Arts Council

Dan Hayward photo wins "People's Choice Award" at Governor's Capitol Art Exhibit

From a press release by Gary Schoene of the SPCR Public Information Office:

Five Wyoming artists received purchase awards totaling $8,300 during the Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition reception recently held at the Wyoming State Museum.

Gov. Dave Freudenthal presented purchase awards at the event to Dan Hayward, photo, “Mammoth Hot Springs (show above, 58″X33.5″),” and Travis Ivey, oil painting, “STOP/Jeffrey City,” both of Laramie; Helen Hoff, photo, “New Growth,” of Casper; Joan Sowada, textile, “Goldfish Dialogue,” Gillette; and Todd Kosharek, acrylic, “Western Cathedral,” Jackson.

Additionally, Hayward received the People’s Choice Award, a selection made through voting of those in attendance at the reception. Sue Sommers of Pinedale, received the Bobby Hathaway Juror’s Choice Award from Juror Ivar Zeile, owner and director of the Plus Gallery in Denver. Sommers produced an intaglio watercolor booklet titled, “Nine Views in Wyoming’s Wind River Range.”

The pieces receiving purchase awards will be included in the Capitol Art Collection and are now eligible for display in the offices of the state’s five elected officials. The governor, first lady, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, state superintendent of public instruction and representatives from the Division of Travel and Tourism selected the purchase award recipients. This year’s show features 30 pieces by 26 artists selected by Zeile from 111 applicants.

The Capitol Art Exhibition is on display at the Wyoming State Museum, located at 2301 Central Ave. in Cheyenne now through June 6. Remaining pieces are available for purchase. The entire collection can be seen online at artsparkshistory.com. Call 307-777-7022 for more information.

P.S.: Dan Hayward is on the Wyoming Arts Council artist roster. Bring him to your community through an Arts Across Wyoming grant. To apply, go to https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/Grants/EApps.asp

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