Wyoming Arts Council

David Kreitzer's one-man show held over until Aug. 24 at the CFAC in Rock Springs

gren river rocks

David Kreitzer, “Green River Rocks,” oil, 36 x 48 inches

Great news! The exhibit of long-time professional artist David Kreitzer has been held over until Aug. 24 at the Community Fine Arts Center, 400 C Street, Rock Springs.

Kreitzer, who attended high school in Rock Springs 1958 through 1960 and now lives in California, opened the exhibit on July 9. It was scheduled to end Aug. 3 but it was extended due to popular demand.

The artist’s love of nature, fantasy, and the human form, propels him to create exquisitely detailed, mood-invoking landscapes, figures, and striking still life floral studies in a variety of mediums.

Kreitzer’s collectors include Michael Douglas, Mary Tyler Moore, Raymond Burr, Ray Bradbury, Quinn Martin, Howard and Roberta Ahmanson, the Hirschhorn Foundation, the San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Bakersfield Museums.

Featured in Atlantic Magazine and American Artist, he has been listed for many years in “Who’s Who in American Art.” His paintings hang in the public collections of The Revlon, Cargill, Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical and Kimberly-Clark Corporations, and Lloyd’s Bank. Commissions include prints for Seattle Opera, the Performing Arts Magazine of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, and the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival.

Kreitzer, born in 1942, has been represented by galleries in New York, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

See some of his work at http://www.dkreitzer.com

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