Uncategorized | September 26, 2008
Wyoming’s diverse folk and traditional arts are celebrated each year through the awarding of Arts Council grants to artists who strive to preserve their cultural and traditional talents. The application deadline for this year’s Folk and Traditional Arts Mentoring Project grants is November 3.
This effort to financially support the continued participation in traditional practices reveals the value of cultural heritage to the Wyoming experience. Previous project grant recipients have taught the arts of overshot weaving, old-time fiddle tunes, round dance drumming, rawhide braiding and bead and buckskin work from the Wind River Reservation.
The Folk and Traditional Arts Mentoring grants fulfill the mission of the program in identifying, documenting, preserving, presenting, and honoring the rich and unique artistic traditions found throughout the state. From the artists of Shoshone beadwork to Basque dancing to Scottish bagpipe music, the program encourages all those who understand the importance of artistic traditions, as well as the continuation and sharing of these traditions to submit an application.
This year, four grants of $3,000 each will be provided for master artists to teach their skills to qualified apprentices. The apprenticing artist must study with a master that shares a common heritage, whether it is a family, ethnic, occupational, tribal, religious, or geographic community.
The grants are available statewide. To receive an application, please call 307-777-7742, or visit on- line at wyoarts.state.wy.us.