Featured News | October 27, 2014
Announcing the 2014 Wyoming Wildife magazine photo contest:
Eligibility: Photos must have been taken in Wyoming. Photos may not have been previously submitted to (or taken on assignment for) Wyoming Wildlife. Employees of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Game and Fish Commission members and their immediate families are ineligible.
Categories: wildlife (wild mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish,arthropods), scenic (in which landmarks, scenery or inanimate objects are prominent), recreation (people enjoying the outdoors through hunting, fishing,hiking, backpacking, skiing or other outdoor activities) and flora(wildflowers, foliage, fruiting bodies or other parts of plants). Entrants must choose a category for each photo, but judges may recategorize entries.
Do not send: Prints, transparencies, negatives, subscription orders,checks or correspondence.
Articles: Judges may request, at their discretion, a selection of photographers to write short articles to accompany photos selected for publication. Such requests do not guarantee a photo has received any particular prize.
Return of entries: Discs will not be returned. All discs will be destroyed after images have been chosen for the contest.
Winners: Winning entries will be announced in the February 2015 issue of Wyoming Wildlife (winners will receive five complimentary copies). A selection of entries may appear in a slideshow at wgfd.wyo.gov and via social media.
Prizes: Grand prize, $300 for best overall photo; first place, $150 for each category; second place, $100 for each category; third place, $50 for each category. Judges reserve the right to decide whether a category merits any or all awards.
Calendar: Some entries may be selected (at the sole discretion of judges) to appear in the annual Wyoming Wildlife November calendar issue.Photographers will receive $50 for each entry selected to appear in the calendar issue.
To qualify, send both of the following: A CD-ROM or DVD containing no more than 10 digital photographs. Write your name on the disc. Digital files must be JPEGs, 300 ppi and at least 17 inches in their longest dimension. Name entries with the category and entry number (examples: flora1.jpg, recreation2.jpg, wildlife3.jpg) and the entry form (preferred) or a document containing the information below.
The deadline for entering the contest is Nov. 24, 2014, at 5 p.m. Send all entries to: Photo Contest, Wyoming Wildlife, 5400 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, WY 82006-0001.
Get the contest entry form here: 2014 Wyoming Wildlife Photo Contest Entry Form