Uncategorized | December 15, 2009
Northern Wyoming Community College District in Sheridan has received a $10,000 Challenge America FastTrack grant to support the Donkey Creek Jazz Festival at its Gillette campus. The free, outdoor event will feature artists including pianist Dana Landry, bassist Erik Applegate, and the Scott Turpen Jazztet.
Patrice Walker Powell, deputy chairman for States, Regions and Local Arts Agencies at the National Endowment for the Arts, notified the Wyoming Arts Council that the NWCCD’s Donkey Creek Jazz festival was one of 170 Challenge America FastTrack grants totaling $1,700,000 in awards to organizations throughout the United States. These grants offer support for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations. Applicants may apply under one of the four following project types: guest artist, civic design, public art, and cultural tourism.
A full listing of awards made in this can be found at http://www.arts.gov/grants/recent/index.html
Guidelines for the next round of these grants will be posted on the NEA Web site in January 2010. FMI: Erin Waylor, 202/682‐5411.
For more info about the Donkey Creek Jazz Festival, call Gillette College at 307.686.0254.