Uncategorized | April 20, 2009
From the Teton County Public Library:
On Friday, May 1, 6-9 p.m., the Teton County Library Foundation and Alta Branch Library Friends sponsor “Eat Your Words” Fundraising Potluck. Have fun and raise money for interior
enhancements at the new Alta Branch Library. Musicians Mike Hurwitz, Jerry Linn, Jeff Newsom and Bob Z present live entertainment. The Foundation and Friends serve up lasagna with beverages by Grand Teton Brewing Company.
Guests are invited to bring a potluck side-dish or dessert (A-M side-dishes, N-Z desserts). Party-goers also are encouraged to prepare a second, literary-inspired dish (think “To Brie or Not To Brie” or Green Eggs & Ham) for an edible art auction to benefit the library.
Cost: $15 a person at the door; children free. All proceeds go to fund interior enhancements for new Alta library.
Location: Teton TeePee Lodge, Alta
Contact: Alta Branch Library, 307-353-2505.