Uncategorized | October 6, 2009
The Wyoming Arts Council, in cooperation of the Casper College Literary Conference, invites you to eat chili, quaff beverages and enjoy some great poetry on Saturday, Oct. 10.
The eating begins at noon at the Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 4205 Ft. Caspar Rd., just down the road from the Ft. Caspar Museum in Casper. The poetry reading begins at 1:30 p.m. It will feature the WAC’s new creative writing fellowship recipients: Sam Renken from Laramie, Lori Van Pelt of Saratoga and Casper poet David Zoby. They will read their award-winning work with fellowship judge Greg Pape of Missoula, Mont.
This event is free and open to the public. It’s the culmination of the 23rd annual Casper College/ARTCORE Literary Conference Oct. 8-10. The conference includes writing workshops by Jackson novelist Tim Sandlin, globe-trotting journalist and author William Powers of New York, South Dakota essayist and poet Linda Hasselstrom and Greg Pape, Montana Poet Laureate. Fee is $60 per workshop.
Free events include 7:30 p.m. author talks on Thursday and Friday in the college’s Durham Hall, the WAC fellowship reading and chili feed on Saturday, and a poetry slam at 9 p.m. Saturday at Metro Coffee Company, 241 S. David in downtown Casper.
FMI: Terry Rasmussen in the Casper College English Dept., 307-268-2480; MIke Shay, WAC, 307-777-5234. To register for workshops, call Ann Dalton, 307-268-2085. You can also go to the Casper College web site at www.caspercollege.edu/events