Wyoming Arts Council

Gene Gagliano: "V is for Venus Flytrap"

Author and gardener Gene Gagliano (shown above) writes from Buffalo to tell us about his new non-fiction children’s book (“really for all ages”), “V is for Venus Flytrap, a Plant Alphabet.” The book was just released by Sleeping Bear Press (ISBN 13:978-1-58536-350-6).

Here Gene is shown is his flourishing garden. Says Gene: “The gardens did well this season with all the moisture, unfortunately the grasshopper infestation here is now taking its toll.”

FMI: www.gargene.com

Here’s a thought: apply to the WAC for an Arts Across Wyoming grant to bring Gene to your community to speak about writing, books, and the wonders of nature (including grasshoppers and Venus Flytraps). Go to www.wyoarts.org.

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