Wyoming Arts Council

Get your style fix on at the Wyoming State Museum

Pretty dresses, paper flowers, and parties! The opening reception for the exhibit, “Dressed to the Nines,” is Thursday, April 26 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Wyoming State Museum.

The reception features kids’ activities and refreshments including lemonade and coffee from Paramount Café. The reception is free and open to the public.

The exhibit features inaugural gowns worn by some of the first ladies of Wyoming and outfits worn by Princess Blue Waters, Miss Rodeo Wyoming, and Miss Wyoming, among others.

The gowns, suits and outfits present a glimpse into the personal style of each woman, and the fashion of the time. The exhibit will remain open through March, 2013.

The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne. For more information about this and other State Museum programs and exhibits, please call 777-7021.

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