Wyoming Arts Council

"Give Back to Dave Wade" in Cokeville

Intrepid blogger and community organizer Karla Toomer posted this info Wednesday on the Cokeville blog:

Through the years, artist Dave Wade has supported Cokeville fundraisers through the donations of his prints and paintings. He donated time when he lived here encouraging and working with youth of our area. He and his family are beloved former residents of Cokeville. He worked with many people on painting classes. His wife, Julie, was a valuable contributor to our community and supported Dave in his artistic contributions to Cokeville.

Now, it is time for Cokeville to give back to Dave Wade.

The Cokeville Miracle Foundation is sponsoring a “Give Back to Dave Wade” fundraiser. They have commissioned an original painting of a panther. Mr. Harris, high school principal, has agreed that it can be hung at the high school and he is looking for a suitable location.

The goal is to raise $8,000 by spring of 2009. 100 percent of donations will go directly to Dave Wade. This comes to $16 from 500 people. Please watch for more information.

And Dave is still giving to Cokeville. His paintings can sell for much more than we will be raising from community members. The foundation commissioned the painting to give Cokeville past and present members the opportunity to give back to Dave and his family, as well as the added bonus of contributing to a public art collection for Cokeville.

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