Uncategorized | October 5, 2010
Governor Dave Freudenthal, in partnership with the Wyoming Arts Council, will release the Wyoming Creative Vitality Index at a press conference on Wednesday, October 6, at 9 a.m. in front of the sculpture at the Wyoming Governor’s Residence, located at 5001 Central Ave. in Cheyenne.
The Governor and the First Lady, Hon. Nancy Freudenthal, will host the event with staff and board members of the Wyoming Arts Council
The Wyoming Creative Vitality Index was conducted by the Western States Arts Federation and shows that the Cowboy State is also an Arts State, and that the Arts contribute substantially to Wyoming’s economy. The report will be available at the press conference.
Rita Basom, manager of the Wyoming Arts Council, said the CVI, which tracks change over time, provides information that will help to diversify the Wyoming economy and improve community vitality.
“The presence of a strong creative community in Wyoming positively impacts Cultural Tourism in the state, and reinforces the importance of Arts Education in our schools,” Basom said. “We’re excited to share this information with the public,” she added.
Note: those interested in attending the press conference are asked to arrive at 8:45 a.m. in order to access the Governor’s Residence and park in the designated area, on the far east end of the grounds. The CVI press conference will take place outside, so please dress for the weather.
The full text of the Wyoming Creative Vitality Index will be up on the Wyoming Arts Council web site on Oct. 6.