Wyoming Arts Council

Governor reappoints three board members

Governor Dave Freudenthal has reappointed all three Wyoming Arts Council board members whose terms were due to expire at the end of June. Serving their second terms on the board will be Richard Olveda, an artist and photographer from Douglas; pianist Susan Stubson of Casper; and Jo Crandall, director of the Pinedale Fine Arts Council.

According to WAC Manager Rita Basom: “This is exciting news, and will provide a lot of continuity on the WAC Board as we move forward with things like the WAC statutes revisions, advocacy work, and planning for the second Wyoming Arts Summit in the fall of 2009, to name just a few things.”

For photos and contact information about all ten WAC board members, go to https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/wacboard.htm.

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