Wyoming Arts Council

Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition features work by 36 Wyoming artists


The Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition and Sale is on display through March 7 at the Wyoming State Museum in Cheyenne.

The juried show is an annual competition for Wyoming Artists. This year, 42 works by 36 regional artists appear in the show. All of the artworks are available for sale.

Artists receiving Purchase Awards will be announced by Governor Matthew H. Mead at a public reception on February 11 from 5-7 p.m. Established in 2000, the Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition and Sale celebrates the work of Wyoming artists. Works receiving purchase awards join a growing collection of prestigious art that is displayed in the offices of Wyoming’s statewide elected officials. Monies realized from additional sales are utilized to purchase works for the permanent art collection of the Wyoming State Museum.

Artworks receiving Purchase Awards join a special collection of regional art displayed in state business offices.

Artists selected for this  year’s show include Gerald Antolik (Hudson), Elizabeth Applbaum (Dallas, TX), Joe Arnold ( Laramie), Mack Brislawn (Laramie), Ginny Butcher (Evansville), Catherine Cardarelli (Hulett), Sonja Caywood (Dayton), Mike Conaway (Evanston), Alissa Davies (Jackson), Jenny Dowd (Alpine), Tom Ford (Gillette), Lynette Fransen (Casper), Jerry Glass (Laramie), Mike Gualdoni (Pavillion), Martin Hagen (Jackson), and Daniel Hayward (Laramie).

Also included are Joy Jones (Riverton), Joy Keown (Laramie), Robert Kirkwood (Laramie), Todd Kosharek (Jackson), Linda Lillegraven (Laramie), Carol Lucas (Ranchester), Robert Martinez (Riverton), Scott Mooney (Gillette), Chris Navarro (Casper), Lynn Newman (Cheyenne), Rachel Ondrak (Cheyenne), Do Palma (Cheyenne), Michael Plourde (Buffalo), Allison Pluda (Laramie), Edie Reno (Gillette), Tamara Rodgers (Cheyenne), Georgia Rowswell (Cheyenne), Valerie Seaberg (Jackson), Edward Sherline (Laramie), and Richard Tambor (Jackson).

This program is managed by the Wyoming State Museum. Questions should be directed to Mark Brammer, mark.brammer@wyo.gov, 307-777-8021.

The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne. The State Museum is open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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