Wyoming Arts Council

Grants available to attend Wyoming Arts Conference

Interested in attending the Wyoming Arts Conference in Jackson on Oct. 12-14 but could use a little financial help?

Check out the Wyoming Workforce Services Workforce Development Training Fund.

Your business (non-profit and private orgs) must be registered through their system. Don’t worry — if you aren’t, there is time.

Grants require a 60/40 match on expenses and 75 percent is paid up front with the additional 25 percent following completion of the final report.

For more info, go here. Watch the video, apply, and get some funds to help you attend the Wyoming Arts Conference in Oct0ber.  We can’t wait to see you!

Have questions?  Contact Joanie Chavez with Workforce Services at 307-777-5396.

Follow the conference conversation at #WYarts13 on Facebook and Twitter.

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