Wyoming Arts Council

Humanities Council seeks board nominations

Jenny Ingram sends us news from the Wyoming Hunmanities Council:

The Wyoming Humanities Council is currently seeking nominations for membership on its board of directors. The council’s board is composed of 20 volunteers with interest and expertise in the humanities. With primary funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the council sponsors grants and programs that explore and enrich the human experience.

Board members are elected from the general public. The council seeks a diverse board that represents balanced geographic, ethnic, age, gender and professional backgrounds. Availability of board member positions is variable from year to year depending on needs for balance, and routine attrition and renewal of board member terms.

The council accepts board member nominations all year long. Self-nominations are accepted. An application form is available at www.uwyo.edu/humanities/forms or
from the office of the Wyoming Humanities Council by calling 721-9243 or wych@uwyo.edu.

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