Wyoming Arts Council

Jenni Calder speaks on "The Scots of Wyoming in Cheyenne" on July 10

Jenni Calder, author of Frontier Scots, speaks on “The Scots of Wyoming in Cheyenne,” on Sunday, July 10, 2-4 p.m., at Barnes & Noble in Cheyenne.

Jenni Calder was Head of Publications for the National Museum of Scotland, and is currently President of Scottish PEN. Listing herself as a “Poet, writer,” for the Scottish Book Trust, she can be more fully appreciated as the author of: There Has to be a Lone Ranger: The Myth and Reality of the American Wild West; Scots in the USA; Robert Louis Stevenson: A Life Study; The Enterprising Scot (ed.); Chronicles of Conscience; the poem cycle Smoke, considering the Holocaust; and the autobiography Not Nebuchadnezzar, which treats her complex identities as the Scottish, American, and Jewish child of a famous family.

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