Uncategorized | June 18, 2007
Artists and writers at the Jentel Artist Residency Program in Banner will be featured at “Jentel Presents” at the Davis Gallery, 32 North Main, Sheridan, Tuesday, June 26, from 5:30-7 p.m. The event is a free community outreach program that features slide presentations and readings.
Presenters include: Paige Ackerson-Kiely, poet/novelist, Lincoln, Vt.; Erinn Cox, sculptor, Memphis, Tenn.; Rose DeSiano, photographer, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Cynthia Hartling; painter, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Nathalie Pham; sculptor/installation artist, Newark, N.J.; and Pamela Steele, essayist/poet, Hermiston, Ore.
FMI: Lynn Reeves, 307-737-2311 or