Uncategorized | December 15, 2009
Wyomingarts is always glad to receive new books. The latest comes from David Schuster in Lander. The title is “Representations: A Collective Work. Photographs by the Lander Photo Group.” Inside are black-and-white and color photos from some of Lander’s finest: Mary Allen, Brad Christensen, Tony Henry, Ken Kidder, Juan Laden, Chris Robisch, David Schuster, and Sara Wiles. You may recognize some of these names. Sara Wiles has received the Governor’s Arts Award for her documentation of life on the Wind River Reservation. Juan Laden has exhibited his work extensively, both in the U.S. and overseas. He is best known for his series entitled “Passing Memories, Descansos, Roadside Memorials of the West.”
Here is a snippet from the book’s introduction:
Just as photography is perhaps the most diverse of all art forms, our photographs are equally diverse. We use color and black-and-white film or digital formats, and experiment with a variety of alternative techniques. The photographs we produce are documentary, landscapes, portraits, architectural or abstract forms, or combinations of them all. This book represents our first formal attempt to present ourselves to you.
“Representations” was published by CreateSpace, the print-on-demand arm of Amazon.com. The square-format paperback (8.2 x 8.2 x 0.5 inches) is 202 pages and sells for $29.99 (free shipping) on Amazon. You can order it through your favorite bookstore, or online at http://tinyurl.com/ybwz7mn.
Wyomingarts leaves you with this sage holiday advice: Buy a book by a Wyoming writer/artist today!