Featured News | December 9, 2013
The Wyoming Military Department received a $20,000 WCTF grant to help fund a book, “History of the Wyoming National Guard.”
News from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund:
A second round of recently presented Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund grants brings this year’s total amount of awards for the first time to more than $1 million to organizations throughout the state for cultural and heritage projects.
In November, the Cultural Trust Fund board awarded $578,249 to 28 Wyoming non-profit and governmental organizations in the second round of grant submissions.
These grant awards, approved by the board at a meeting in Laramie, came from 36 total applications. These requests totaled more than $1 million, with requests capped at a maximum of $50,000.
This round of grant review included a variety of projects including preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings, museum exhibit development, art conferences and arts education programming, digital smart phone application development of historic site tours, organizational infrastructure needs including staffing and marketing campaigns, and book publishing requests.
For more information about the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, contact Renée Bovée, administrator, at 307-777-6312 or via email at renee.bovee@wyo.gov.
Albany County
City of Laramie, Public Arts Plan for the Laramie Community, $20,000
Laramie Plains Civic Center, Pottery Studio, $20,000
Wyoming Humanities Council, Database and Website Expansion and Integration, $30,000
U.W. American Studies Program, “Art of the Hunt” Exhibit Fabrication and Installation, $50,000
U.W. American Indian Studies Program, Tekcno Powwow, $10,000
U.W. Art Department, 4th Biennial Western Cast Iron Art Alliance Regional Conference, $22,000
Crook County
Crook County Museum District, Old Stoney Window Replacement Project, $30,000
Vore Buffalo Jump Foundation, Vore Site Improvements, Education Outreach, Signage, $23,000
Fremont County
Fremont County School District #1/Promoting Arts in Lander Schools (PALS), Arts in the Afternoon, $4,000
Museum of the American West, Historic Print Shop Building Displays and Exhibits, $8,615
The Nature Conservancy, Heart Mountain Ranch Cultural Interpretation and Visitor Readiness, $20,000
Natrona County
The Casper Artists’ Guild, ART 321: The Casper Artists’ Guild Moves to the Old Yellowstone District, $50,000
Casper Museum Consortium, Museum Minutes on the Brian Scott Morning Show, $7,000
Park County
Harry Jackson Museum, “Harry Jackson: A Celebration of Creative Genius Rooted in Wyoming” exhibitions, $10,000
Sublette County
Sublette County Historical Society, Sommers Ranch Homestead Exhibition Equipment, $12,975
Sweetwater County
Sweetwater County Museum Foundation, Purchase and Processing of Historic Photographic Studio Collection, $35,000
Teton County
Art Association of Jackson Hole, Building Modifications/Equipment Purchase, $10,000
Art pARTners, Integrated Arts Programs, $20,000
Dancers’ Workshop, Gallim Dance 2014 Residency, $6,000
Off Square Theatre Company, “Thin Air Shakespeare”, $10,000
Uinta County
Young Musicians Inc., Equipment Purchase, $6,959
Washakie County
Washakie Museum and Cultural Center, Equipment Upgrades/Replacement for Exhibition, Public Programs, and Tours, $18,000
Alliance for Historic Wyoming, Historic Architecture Assistance Fund, $44,000
Wyoming Arts Alliance, Staffing/Capacity Building Project #3, $15,000
Wyoming Military Department, “History of the Wyoming National Guard” Book, $20,000
Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office, “Wyoming’s Depression-era Cultural Resources” Book, $13,700
Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office, “Westward Ho!” Wyoming Trails Web and Mobile Device Application, $50,000
Wyoming State Historical Society, “Wyoming Revisited: Re-photographing the Scenes of J.E. Stimson” by Michael Amundson, Book, $12,000