Wyoming Arts Council

Laughing Bird kicks off Arizona conference

Tupelo Kenyon, one-half of the husband-wife WAC roster artist duo Laughing Bird from Story, Wyo., sends word that he and Janey will be kick-off entertainment for the annual Summer Light Conference in Sedona, Arizona, on June 12-14. The Laughing Bird concert will be on Friday afternoon.

The main speakers for this event are authors Lee Carroll and Greg Braden, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and Peggy Phoenix Dubro. “Inspiring instrumental music” will also be provided by Robert Coxon.

This is the second year that Laughing Bird has performed for the conference.

FMI: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=I6z8t&m=1f.moea0Iadf8i&b=Ro5VpnA1PD3Qq2IupReOOg

You can bring Laughing Bird to your Wyoming community through a WAC Arts Across Wyoming grant. For more info and applications, go to https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/Grants/EApps.asp

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