Uncategorized | March 26, 2008
Musser Fund Arts Funding Areas of interest are:
Collaborations of an arts organization with other nonprofits or schools to educate, enrich, and provide participatory arts activities for their community. The Musser Directors are interested in supporting projects where these collaborations spark a new interest or dynamic quality in the art organization and in the community. Priority will be given to projects that engage participants in the creation of art. Applicants may apply for up to $10,000. Applications must come from arts organizations. Grants are for one year only and grantees may not reapply for two years after the grant period. General operating support to smaller arts organizations in rural communities – communities of less than 65,000 people. Applicants may apply for up to $7,500 per year.
Organizations must have been in existence for one year at the time of application. Organizations must not have budgets over $200,000. Priority will be given to organizations whose work is increasing access to the arts through scholarships, hands-on activities, community venues, workshops, discounts and other innovations.
Applications are accepted for one year of funding at a time. It is possible for organizations to apply for and receive funding for up to three consecutive years. But then Grantees may not reapply for funding for one year after the three years of funding.
Arts organizations; Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations; Organizations that are forming if they are sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization
To apply for an arts grant from the Laura Jane Musser Fund:Please construct your application in the following format, and include cover sheet when you submit it. The proposal body can be no more than 5 pages. The application must be received in the Musser office by April 2, 2008. Funding decisions will be announced in July 2008.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE for requests made in the area of “Collaborations of an arts organization with other nonprofits or schools”:
TWO-PAGE COVER FORM: Completed (see page 4)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide a clear descriptions of your proposed project
BACKGROUND: Summarize your organizational background and history in your community.
ARTS PARTICIPANTS: Describe, using qualitative and quantitative descriptions, who you hope to reach with your collaborative program and how they will participate.
COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS: Identify and describe the nonprofit or school partners involved in your collaboration and how your collaboration will be structured. Please also explain how and why you have chosen this partner and the history of your relationship.
GOALS AND ACTIVITIES: Describe the overall collaborative goals of this project and the activities planned that will accomplish these goals; provide the timeline for the activities that includes schedule and completion for the project. Be specific about which of the collaborative partners will be responsible for which activities.
OUTCOMES: List the outcomes expected.
BUDGETARY INFORMATION: Include a budget for the project with projected income and expenses, an organizational budget for the current year, and a detailed list of funding sources anticipated for the project.
IRS STATUS: Please include a copy of your 501(c)(3) letter from the IRS.
PROPOSAL FORMAT: Electronic proposals can not be accepted. Please send your application packet in single-sided, unbound format. Please only send one copy. No materials other than those listed above will be included in the proposal review process. Only complete application packets can be considered.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE for requests made in the area of “General Operating support to smaller arts organizations in rural communities”:
TWO-PAGE COVER FORM: Completed (see page 4)
COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION: Please provide a clear description of your community.
BACKGROUND: Summarize your organizational background and history in your community.
ARTS PARTICIPANTS: Describe, using qualitative and quantitative descriptions, the community members your reach with your arts programming.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Describe the ways that the community supports your organization.
GOALS AND ACTIVITIES: Describe the overall goals of your organization during the grant period.
OUTCOMES: List the outcomes expected from your programming during the grant period.
BUDGETARY INFORMATION: Include an organizational budget for the current year with income, expenses and a detailed list of funding sources.
IRS STATUS: Please include a copy of your 501(c)(3) letter from the IRS.
PROPOSAL FORMAT: Electronic proposals can not be accepted. Please send your application packet in single-sided, unbound format. Please only send one copy. No materials other than those listed above will be included in the proposal review process. Only complete application packets can be considered.
Submit a Cover Form and complete proposal * to: Laura Jane Musser Fund
318 W. 48th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55419
Proposal narrative, one copy, single sided, not bound or stapled
Include tax status letter
Organization and project budgets
Llist of additional funders
Support letters
Applicants may recreate this form electronically, but please combine your cover-form content to a total of 2 pages.
Organization Name: Year Founded:
Name of Executive Director:
City, State, Zip:
Telephone & Fax
E-mail & Website:
Contact Person for this request (name & title):
PROJECT/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (4 sentences or less):
Dollar Amount Requested: Total Organization Budget:
Program/Project Budget: Fiscal Year or Program/Project Period:
Type of request: __ new project __ ongoing project (year project started:__________)
_____ Collaborative Programs
_____ Rural – General Operating
Activities that will be supported by the grant
Constituencies Served
Expected Outcomes during the grant period and specifically how these Outcomes will be measured
Laura Jane Musser Fund
318 W. 48th St.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419
*See application guidelines and procedures