Wyoming Arts Council

Makin’ A List & Checkin’ It Twice

Clay Paper Scissors Gallery & Studio invites you to see our new show, Makin’ A List & Checkin’ It Twice. The media includes jewelery, felting, clay, encaustic, painting, batik and more! Many small items ideal for gifts. 10% of the proceeds will be donated to Needs in honor of the season. Featured artists include:
Alberto Alcantara
Cathie Carr-Lundfelt
Crystal Lawrence
Ginnie Madsen
Jon Madsen
Sharon Mathiessen
Ila Miller
Paulette Rasmussen
Gretchen Reed
Meggan Stordahl
November 22-December 31, 2009.
Hours: Thursdays 4-7, Fridays 1-5, Saturdays 11-5, by appointment & serendipity!
1506 Thomes, Ste B. (facing the tracks on 15th)

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